Access the full potential of the server with our membership token. It's limited to 2500 total tokens and will give you access to all of the features of the Discord server. We will no longer be charging for monthly memberships (as we have in the past), instead the token will give you access as long as you're a hodler. Aside from the Discord server membership, the token will be used to access:
- Pure ALFA Chat, a new iteration of the og-members
- IC Research Reports
- Whitelist Giveaways and Lotteries
- Partner projects
- Additional perks for hodlers of multiple tokens

ALFA All Day, Every Day

Besides ALFA, we have and we will continue to bring you more than anywhere else...


Network and discuss NFTs and crypto with some of the top minds in the field. ALFA is delivered to you on a silver plate 24/7.

IC Research Reports

Some of the best analyst field updates and reporting available anywhere.

Whitelist Giveaways and Lotteries

By having a token, it's easy for us to auto-assign you onto whitelists and give-aways. Ask our current members how many great whitelist spots and eth we've already given out.

Partner Projects

We partner with projects on a weekly basis. We are picky and only partner with what we feel are quality projects. We want a mutual benefit for our members.

Additional perks for hodlers of multiple tokens

While not finalized, we will make sure that multiple token hodlers are rewarded handsomely into the future.